Legally Powered was initially set up in May 2020, by Victoria-Jayne Scholes, as a simple blog page to write about articles and stories that concerned inequalities in the justice system for individuals with disabilities.
It had come to our attention that whilst there were areas of the law and the justice system getting accessibility right, there are too many factors for this day and age, that leave people with disabilities sitting out in the cold.
No matter what your disability, health need, learning difficulty, we all deserve the same treatment as those living without these conditions. We all deserve to live a life free of inequality.
Since the beginning, Legally Powered has changed in its route, as more and more areas of disability inequality has come to light. It does not just look at the justice system but issues that affect the day-to-day life of people with disabilities, their carers, the care system, legal issues that they may face.
Accessibility can only be changed with a change in the law. The only way change can happen is to make your voice heard. You cannot change the law without challenging the law.
This site is not about naming and shaming those that have got it wrong. It is about highlighting those that get it right and the changes needed so others can follow in their footsteps.
Legally Powered is not just about writing blogs and articles, it is about talking to people in the professions to get our voices heard and get the changes made. It is also about being a listening ear for those that are facing inequality and don’t know where to turn.
Legally powered, is about change, determination, positivity and most importantly… Empowerment.